Vlocity Developer Productivity Tools


Vlocity Developer Productivity Tools


Last week, when I was connected with few of the salesforce developers on development tasks, noticed that we are still living in developer console ages. That’s where I thought I should jot down latest development tools we can use to enhance our development works.

I understand, there are many blogs/videos available online on this but we are going to discuss particularly, tools which can help us to build/test the Vlocity related application.


1. JSON Viewer

This application is mainly deals with JSON data. By using this application, we can

·         Format the Json data

·         Data can be looked into tree view – help to identify/find the synchronously

·         Remove white space and bring all the data into single line – helps to put data into Apex     test class for apex testing purpose.


Online link- http://jsonviewer.stack.hu/

2. Salesforce Inspector

This Chrome extension will help to

·         Write a type Ahead SOQL/SOQL

·         Helps to write the related object Query easily

·         Export the queries data to JSON, Excel

·         Easily search users based on name or email

·         Easily check the org limits with dashboard

Chrome extension link - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/salesforce-inspector/aodjmnfhjibkcdimpodiifdjnnncaafh

3. Organizer

This Chrome extension will help to

·     Quickly execute anonymous code without going to developer console

·     Login Credentials Store

o   You can store the login details and synch together using google account-   and get rid of credential storage headache 😊 If you are dealing with lot many orgs

o   You can take the back up of the Stored credentials (Btw I am not aware how we can make use of backup )

o   You can make Name your org with your favourite Name

·        Convert SF id to 18 digit

·         Describe Sobject/Fields

·         Login As user

·     Quick links to get into set up details

Chrome extension link - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/organizer-for-salesforce/lojdmgdchjcfnmkmodggbaafecagllnh?hl=en


4. Salesforce Schema Explorer

This Chrome extension will help to

·     View and set up the Debug logs

o   You can explore/analyse the debug log

o   You can analyse the system logs

o   Logs can be viewed in Tabular format as well open view

o   You can check the filter the logs by user Name(Mine, All & manage)

o   You can always get new log – watch new logs

o   Delete unrelated logs by using Delete cached Logs

·     Schema Explorer

o   You can explore/analyse the ER (entity/Object relationship)

o   You can build the query- both Parent to child and child parent

o   Get the Child relationship Name/field Name without going to Set up

o   Execute the Query and export the data to Excel/CSV

o   History is logged to quick reference

·        Compare Access levels for profile and Permission set

o   You can compare the access provided to Profile and multiple Permission sets

o   You can get the Export the compared data




5. VS Code Extensions

Below are the few VS code extensions which will help us to increase the development efforts in many folds.

·      Salesforce LWC Short Keys

o   This Extension help you to find the short cut keys for every LWC build in component

·     Salesforce Package.xml Generator Extension for VS Code

o   Help to generate the package.xml by searching the component

·     SLDS Validator

o   TO validate the CSS & SLDS classes

·     Salesforce Code Snippets

o   This extension will helpto get the ready made code snippets for Apex, Aura,LWC & javascript

·     Polacode

o   To capture the code snippet screenshot with nice border

·     Create User Snippets

o   This functionality will help to create our own user snippets

List goes on and on...


Thanks for Reading the blog.


Happy Learning😊


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